Friday, November 9, 2012

Holidays Parties and Driving ? Think Before You Drink

The holidays can be a challenging time of year for most people. Between the last minute holiday shopping, festive parties, family travel and additional expenses, you may be feeling stressed and under pressure. Going out and enjoying a couple cocktails to relax and unwind may seem like the perfect solution, but there are numerous consequences that come with drinking and driving.

The Consequences of Driving Drunk

More and more states are implementing zero tolerance laws for driving drunk, and you?ll find the punishments to be quite severe. These tougher laws are strict and can impose stiff fines for even first time offenders. Our Walnut Creek DUI attorney wants to remind you that if you?re going to a holiday party, or you?ve had a couple of cocktails to unwind after work to celebrate with co-workers, you can expect to pay harsh penalties for getting behind the wheel drunk.

Not only could you face the loss of your driving privileges, but you could also face jail time. Other consequences of driving while drunk include attorney fees, court costs, increased insurance premiums and getting in an accident and injuring or killing another person.

Avoiding a DUI

taking a few precautions over the holiday season can keep you and other people safe, help you avoid jail time and keep unnecessary expenses to a minimum. Before you go out drinking, designate a driver to stay sober for the evening to ensure that everyone gets home safe. If you?re at a family function or holiday party, and you know that everyone has been drinking, leave your car where it?s at and call a cab.

Taking a cab home is a lot less expensive than getting a DUI. If you?re at a party where your friends are drinking, and you find that you are pressured to indulge, you can always order a beverage that resembles alcohol like tonic and lime or non-alcoholic beer.

Ways to Deal with Holiday Stress

With the holiday?s right around the corner, you may be feeling the pressure to get things done. Instead of turning to alcohol, there are a number of things that you can do to relieve your stress. Set a budget ahead of time and put a little money away each week. Coupons and sales can also help keep you on a smart financial path. Don?t wait until last minute to do things.

The holidays come the same time every year, so you can plan ahead. Make a list of all of the things that need to get done like getting out the holiday cards, shopping for presents, putting up the tree and preparing the holiday meal. If you find that you are feeling pressured and tense, find another outlet to work off the additional stress. Exercises like yoga, running, taking a walk or biking can burn calories and leave you feeling refreshed and in control.

No matter how many holiday festivities that you have to attend or your to-do list keeps getting longer, reaching for an alcoholic beverage to relax isn?t the solution for easing your holiday stress. Driving drunk will only bring you additional headaches.

Author Bio

Legal researcher Shelby Warden contributes articles for the Walnut Creek DUI attorney team at the Law Office of Johnson & Johnson in California. These attorneys understand that the consequences following a DUI arrest are very stressful and they will make sure your rights are protected. The number of traffic fatalities is always high during the holidays so remember to stay safe and Don?t Drink and Drive!



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