Sunday, November 25, 2012

What foods can remove dark circles - Health and Fitness Tips

Black eye is often stays up late, emotional instability, eye fatigue, aging, venous blood flow velocity is too slow, the oxygen deficiency of red blood cells of the skin, eye, vein carbon dioxide and metabolic waste accumulation of excessive formation of chronic hypoxia The blood is dark and forms a stagnation caused by eye pigmentation.

Methods / steps

1, Eggs
Eggs rich in high quality protein, but the protein can promote cell regeneration, so regular consumption of eggs to increase protein intake have a certain effect to ease the formation of dark circles. Daily but the human body can only absorb a maximum of the nutrition contained two eggs, the consumption of eggs should not be more than two. Some people are used to eating raw eggs, fact, extremely digestible raw eggs also contain bacteria, and therefore suggest that you as the best food boiled eggs. In addition, lean meat, poultry, eggs, aquatic products are also rich in high quality protein, regular consumption of such foods can also help to reduce the formation of dark circles, but due to the eggs protein composition and the closest to the human body, so the best absorption effect.

2, Sesame
Sesame UFA well known, but its efficacy may eliminate dark circles fresh people aware. Sesame is rich in vitamin E, which can ease the formation of dark circles with nourishing the eye and ocular. Both make beautiful black hair, but also to eliminate dark circles, kill two birds with one stone, no wonder some people regarded as the sesame magic ?magic food?. In addition to sesame seeds, rich in vitamin E foods are peanuts, walnuts, sunflower seeds, etc.

3, Carrot
In addition to vitamin E to nourish the eye and ocular vitamin A also has this effect. Carrot choice is to increase the intake of vitamin A, can maintain the normal function of the epithelial tissue, improve dark circles. In addition, carrots contain vitamin A also helps to improve vision, especially in the dark vision. Other foods contain vitamin A, as well as animal liver, butter, eggs, alfalfa, apricots.

4, Kelp
As the iron core ingredients of a hemoglobin. Therefore, the added amount of iron can promote an increase in hemoglobin, thereby enhancing its ability to transport Oxygen and nutrients seaweed is rich in iron, so often take kelp can also ease the distress of the black eye. Containing iron-rich foods as well as animal liver, lean meat.

5, Green tea
Often use computers to drink green tea, add a specific plant nutrients, eliminate dark circles caused due to computer radiation. Green tea contains concentrated polyphenols, can inhibit free radical damage, skin support fibers and today is widely recognized as the most effective anti-free radical factor. Drink plenty of decaffeinated green tea can not only eliminate dark circles, which contains catechins, both to help the body fat metabolism, and sleep, sleep quality not only stability, but also people are less likely to have a feeling of fatigue.

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Tags: remove dark circles, remove dark circles food, remove the black eye, remove the black eye food
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