Saturday, November 10, 2012

Everything you need to know before taking on student loan debt

Student debt has been a hot topic lately, as college costs increase, student debt hits record totals, and the job market remains weak for college graduates. But dig beyond just the numbers and you'll find many students and families just don't know enough about the student loan process to make fully informed decisions about how they're going to manage their loans.

That's why we're holding an in-person seminar on our campus, free and open to the public, to teach students and families about the issues surrounding paying for a college education, and how to make good decisions to manage student debt. Plan to join us Tuesday, Nov. 13 from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m. for our "Financial Literacy" seminar, where you'll learn

  • The risks and benefits of taking on student loan debt
  • The different types of student loans
  • Payment requirements and the role interest plays in financing loans
  • The importance of only borrowing what is absolutely needed
I will be moderating the panel discussion. Panel speakers will be
  • Scott Allen, Chief Financial Officer and VP of Finance & Administration at Post University, who will discuss the role of college financial aid offices, the difference between grant aid and loan aid, and the financial obligations students and families have to the university and the federal government once they have decided to take on student debt.
  • Christopher Wiegert, Financial Advisor at Hartford's Merrill Lynch, will outline the strategies, risks, and benefits students should consider before deciding to take on student loan debt. He'll emphasize the importance of understanding that even if students don't finish college, they still must repay their loans.?
  • Martin Misset, Vice President of Loans at the Waterbury Teachers Credit Union, who will explain what lenders consider before funding personal loans to cover the cost of education. He will also discuss the credit risks of failing to repay student loans to students, parents and anyone else who co-signs a loan.
We wrote a post a few weeks ago about the importance of responsibility when it comes to taking out and repaying student loans. That's exactly what we hope to impart to you at our seminar. Going to college is an investment in your future, and it's crucial to know the benefits and risks of that investment.

We're leaving plenty of time at the end of the seminar for questions. The seminar is free, and there's no need to register. See you there!

Financial Literacy Seminar
Nov. 13, 7 p.m. - 8 p.m.

Post University
MacDermind Hall, Room 116
800 Country Club Road
Waterbury, CT 06723

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