Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Players wanted for a parallel world 1930's themed apocalypse

Hey everyone!

So I've created this new RP called Fading Light - the Last Darkness; it's a post-apocalyptic rp that is set in a parallel universe where in the 1930's a radioactive asteroid hits the moon and the result is a massive dust cloud that blots the sun out from earth for six months of the year.

Basically the idea of the rp is that your character is forced to leave their small town and make their way to a bigger city in attempts to survive the coming six months of darkness... The second basic concept is that you need to find others like you who are looking to travel to the city because you won't make it on your own...

The theme of the whole rp though is 1930's post-apocalypse because when the asteroid hit the world was plunged into chaos and terror and technology/fashion and so on hasn't progressed - its sort of falloutsque- forward.

Anyway, check it out and have a looksee fwends!

Fading Light - Last Darkness

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/RLpb49Srr6o/viewtopic.php

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