Sunday, September 30, 2012

New European statistics released on heart disease and stroke

ScienceDaily (Sep. 28, 2012) ? The statistics show that efforts to reduce heart disease deaths are successful, with mortality now falling in most of the continent. At the same time, the report shows the huge burden CVD presents to Europe's health, and suggests that underlying factors may cause CVD to increase in the near future.

The figures show some progress. Since the 2008 report there has been a substantial drop in the number of deaths attributed to heart disease. CVD is now responsible for four million European deaths annually, down from 4.3 million in 2008 (which represents a drop from 48% to 47% of total European deaths). Within the EU, it is responsible for 1.8 million deaths per year, down from two million in 2008 (40% of all EU deaths, down from 42%).

Commenting, ESC President, Professor Panos Vardas said: "There is good news here, but it needs to be approached with some caution. Fewer lives are being lost to cardiovascular disease than in 2008. At the same time, the scale of the problem is enormous. CVD is still responsible for four million European deaths per year. This is a real human tragedy and a significant economic burden. We anticipate this burden will continue to increase in the coming years due to aging populations and unhealthy lifestyles."

Dr. Hans Stam, President of the European Heart Network, said: "This reduction in CVD mortality is a real success story. A few years ago it seemed that the rise in cardiovascular disease was unstoppable; this report shows that we have reversed that trend, and that lives are being saved. At the same time, we know that there are potential problems ahead. Diabetes and obesity are rising, smoking is still a major issue, and people are still not doing enough physical activity. The continent is also growing older. Today's figures are good, very good, but they must not lead to complacency."

The report contains a range of European comparators, giving the latest available figures on mortality, morbidity, treatment, smoking, diet, physical activity, alcohol, blood pressure, cholesterol, overweight and obesity, diabetes, and financial implications for each country. Key statistics include:

  • CVD hits women especially hard -- it is the main cause of death for women in each of the 27 EU countries.
  • CVD is the leading cause of death for men in all the EU countries except France, the Netherlands, Slovenia and Spain3
  • Stroke is the second single most common cause of death in Europe: accounting for almost 1.1 million deaths each year. Over one in seven women (15%) and one in ten men (10%) die from the disease.
  • There are huge differences in CVD mortality within Europe. For example, for men CVD causes between 60% (Bulgaria) and 25% of deaths (France) and for women between 70% (Bulgaria) and 30% of deaths (France and the Netherlands).
  • The prevalence of diabetes is high, with more than 50% rises in some countries in the last decade. This, plus increasing obesity levels, is threatening to reverse the improvements of recent years.
  • The economic burden of CVD is huge, estimated ?196 billion a year, of which around 54% is due to direct health expenditure; 24% to productivity losses and 22% to the informal care of people with CVD. The impact on national health care systems is approximately ?212 per year, per person, in the EU.
  • The figures also show substantial regional differences. Central and Eastern Europe saw large increases in CVD deaths in the years up to the turn of the century, but now mortality rates in this region are declining significantly. For example, over the 2003-2009 period, the rate of coronary heart disease (CHD) deaths in Russian men dropped from 251 to 186 (per 100,000). Nevertheless, these figures are still huge in comparison with other areas in Europe: for example, the UK has a male mortality rate of 33 per 100,000, and in the Netherlands this rate is 16 per 100,000 (2009 figures).

Dr. Stam highlighted that CVD is a chronic disease with a heavy impact on the individual, health care budgets as well as the economy at large. "Today most public health expenses are linked to treatment. It is urgent to invest in prevention in order to improve the health of European population and stem the socio-economic consequences."

Professor Vardas concluded: "The drop in CVD mortality across Europe is due to a range of factors, not just a single initiative. For example, over the last few years we have taken steps to lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, and to highlight the dangers of smoking. These measures have helped enormously, but at the same time many lifestyle-linked changes, such as increasing obesity and diabetes, will make it harder for us to stand still. Most of cardiovascular related deaths are preventable. EHN, the ESC and its partners will continue to lobby for the implementation of changes in legislation and for population interventions in order to promote a healthier environment."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by European Society of Cardiology, via AlphaGalileo.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Mad Women: Understanding Betty's Thyroid Issues | Grass Fed Girl

I am major fan of Mad Men and I was intrigued when Betty had a thyroid lump in Episode 3 of Season 5. Betty is Don?s ex -wife who has gained some major pounds since season 4 and it is revealed that she has thyroid problem. I want to discuss some of the? factors that may be contributing to her condition based on the show and my experience with thyroid issues. Some of Betty?s lifestyle factors are a perfect storm for thyroid dysfunction and many doctors ignore these influences.

She actually found out she had a thyroid tumor after visiting the doctor for a diet pill prescription. At first they suspected that she had cancer but it was later found to be benign. Betty definitely had an inflamed and swollen thyroid which is commonly caused by Hashimoto?s thyroiditis. It is estimated that 35% of people with thyroid cancer also have Hashimoto?s but many people are unaware that they have the condition because most doctors do not address the autoimmune component of thyroid disease. Western practitioners often do not order the proper tests for thyroid antibodies. Most people with low thyroid, up to 90%, actually have Hashimoto?s thyroiditis where the body is attacking it?s own tissue by mistake.

Some Important Factors Contributing to Betty?s Thyroid Issues:

Stress: Betty had some major trauma leading up to Season 5 including the revelation that Don was cheating on her for years. She? dismantled her family and moved them into a large ominous house with a new father figure. Going through a major life change can be so stressful that it can spark thyroid irregularities. Stressful events in life increase cortisol production which weakens the GI tract setting the stage for leaky gut and autoimmune dysfunction.

Processed Food: In the 1950?s many women cooked at home like we saw on The Donna Reed Show, making meat loafs and pot roasts but in the 1960?s the trend was to embrace convenience foods. The scene in this episode where Betty is chomping on some Bugles, which were first introduced in 1966, tells us a lot about the era and her habits. High carbohydrate snacks like chips and cookies are often filled with rancid oxidized vegetable oils and hard to digest gluten/ grains which both increase intestinal permeability, setting the stage for Hashimoto?s. When someone has an inflamed and porous gut lining it can stimulate a thyroid autoimmune (self) attack.

Blood Sugar Balance: We often see Betty restricting her food on the show to lose weight. The problem is that low fat and low calorie diets usually lead to high carbohydrate consumption which produces blood sugar fluctuations. These highs and lows are very harmful for the adrenals and thyroid function because cortisol is over produced. People in the 1960?s started to abandon traditional foods like bacon and eggs in favor of cereal, pop tarts, and biscuit mixes. These sugary foods spike blood glucose which drag down hypothalamic signaling for proper thyroid and adrenal function. Protein and fat combined at meals are crucial to keep insulin in a healthy range which supports a healthy thyroid.

Yo- Yo dieting: In season 5 Betty visits Weight Watchers numerous times, commonly skipping meals and often expresses how hungry she feels.? Betty is a former model who may have used diet pills or laxatives for many years and that behavior can catch up eventually. When someone is overweight, fatigued and depressed like Betty, it is often an adrenal fatigue issue as well as a thyroid problem. Adrenal hormones assist in the conversion of T-4 to active T-3? which help with weight regulation and energy production. Excessive dieting will cause adrenal burnout inhibiting thyroid hormone production. Many people don?t worry about how yo-yo dieting affects their long term health until it is too late and their thyroid and metabolism is damaged.

Betty Pre-Thyroditis

Lack of Healthy Fats:? If you notice in the end of the episode Betty finishes her daughters ice cream sundae once Sally leaves the room. This behavior is innate because when we starve ourselves of saturated fat the cravings will be so strong that well will give in sooner or later. Our brain must have animal fat to function properly so the signals to binge are out of our control if we are not getting enough. It is much healthier to eat rich meats and fat like ghee or coconut oil than down a carton of sugar laden ice cream. We also need saturated fat from animals and coconut for healthy thyroid functioning because our hormones are made from cholesterol.

Toxins: More chemicals and plastics were introduced during the 1960?s which can negatively affect thyroid function. Cleaning products and beauty care items are full of hormone disruptors called xeno-estrogens. The use of these beauty and home care products have only increased since Betty Draper?s heyday. Betty also smokes which increases storage of heavy metals like cadmium that can slow down liver function and active thyroid hormone conversion. In the show there is copious amounts of alcohol which can also cause hypoglycemic reactions adding to thyroid/adrenal stress and leaky gut. Liver function is very important for clearing toxins but when the thyroid slows liver detox pathways become clogged.

Gluten and other grains: The immune system is always on guard against potential threats and it has an amazing memory for invaders like gluten and other grains. The problem starts when undigested food gets into the blood stream and creates havoc in the body. It is estimated that 80-90% of hypothyroidism is caused by an autoimmune reaction where the body attacks its own gland after the gut becomes porous, which leaks undigested food particles into the bloodstream. Gluten proteins resemble thyroid tissue so the immune system becomes overactive every time we ingest gluten containing grains. Another problem is that molecules of wheat and other grains are so similar that the immune system can not tell the difference. All grains may cause a cross reaction according to many thyroid experts. In Betty?s case she eats gluten all day long which is keeping her immune system on high alert and it is over active, attacking it?s own thyroid tissue. Learn more about how to be grain free here.

Soy: Okay, this was probably not a factor for Betty?s, because at that time soy had a negative reputation as food for communist or vagabond hippies. But soy can be a major player because it has tons of lectins and phytates that block important minerals from being absorbed like selenium and zinc for a healthy thyroid. Soy is full of goitrogens which can also suppress thyroid hormone production. Soy is very hard for the body to break down so it adds to leaky gut syndrome and increase inflammatory response of the body against it?s own precious thyroid. Many people make the mistake of using soy as a vegetarian protein substitute but they do not realize until it is too late that is can ruin thyroid function. Read more about soy dangers here.

Depression: Betty has been to therapy several times for her bizarre behavior (like crashing the car into a mailbox on purpose), mood swings and depression. Low thyroid function can make many people feel like they have low energy which can make people feel depressed. Many experts agree that there is major link between the gut dysfunction and mood/behavior. The feel good neurotransmitters like serotonin and dopamine are made in the gut but when it is inflamed from attempting to digest nutrient poor food there will be less of these important chemicals produced. When the gut heals through an elimination diet people usually feel less depressed pretty quickly. Removing dietary stressors like grains, inflammatory vegetable oils and soy will help the thyroid and adrenals heal themselves which will give people more energy and boost mood.

Constipation: Constipation is very common symptom of lowered thyroid function. Betty seems very stuck in her life and seems to be unable to release old pain. According to Louise Hay?s book You Can Heal Your Life, constipation is caused by refusing to release old ideas and being stuck in the past. One factor with constipation is that a lack of thyroid hormone slows intestinal motility and transit time. Another issue is that when people are not having regular bowel movements hormones like estrogen will be reabsorbed increasing risk for breast cancer.

Grass Fed Girl?s Commentary on Betty?s Condition:

Things have not changed much in conventional treatment of thyroid problems and just like the 1960?s there is much to be desired in Betty?s care plan. She is sent home literally and figuratively with a band aid on her neck. She is told she does not have cancer and just to go on with normal life. Just like now, most conventional doctors do not see the connection between stress, nutrition, environmental factors and thyroid function. Most treatment protocols do not recognize the importance of healing the immune system (linings of the gut, lungs and brain) to slow the bodies attack on the thyroid.

If you suspect you have low thyroid seek out care from a practitioner who understands that there is more to the problem than TSH tests and synthroid (t-4 only replacements). If you have a? low thyroid it is important to sleep well, manage stress, follow a grain free diet, and get some holistic care from an integrative doctor. It is also important to get tested for thyroid antibodies to figure out if you have autoimmune condition.

Sources and Resources:


Link for Recommended Thyroid LabWork:

One of the great thyroid books:

Testing without your doctor?s permission needed:

Direct Labs has affordable lab tests

Caitlin Weeks

Caitlin Weeks, BA, Certified Nutrition Consultant, C.H.E.K. Holistic Lifestyle Coach, and NASM Certified Personal Trainer is a San Francisco based Holistic Nutritionist serving clients locally and beyond (US & international) via phone and Skype consultations. Since 2001 Caitlin has had success conquering obesity after a lifelong struggle with her weight. Since 2009 she has been winning the battle over Hashimoto?s Thyroiditis by managing stress and using a paleo diet. She is committed to educating others about the benefits of traditional foods and efficient exercise. She writes weekly articles about health and nutrition on her blog:

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LLC, Corporation, Partnership What's the Difference ? hot news

Many new businesses start out as sole proprietorships because this is the simplest form of ownership and requires very little paperwork or expense to start up. But for businesses with multiple owners or those needing outside funding, this usually isn?t sufficient.The three most common forms of ownership are Partnerships, Corporations and Limited Liability Companies (LLC?s). There are other options, but most businesses use one of these operating forms and each has different treatment of taxes and legal issues for the owners.PartnershipThis is a relatively easy form of ownership to set up as it only requires an agreement among the partners, which can be verbal or written. In a partnership, the owners manage and control the business and all revenue flows directly through the business to each partner, each of whom are then taxed based on their portion of the income.The partners are personally liable for debts and any liabilities that result from the operation of the business. When one partner leaves the business, it is dissolved unless there is an agreement in place that allows it to continue.A business continuation agreement will typically stipulate the terms under which a partner can transfer his or her share of the business for some financial consideration. The same agreement should provide for the transfer of a deceased partner?s share so the surviving family receives fair compensation from the remaining partners.Limited Liability Company (LLC)The creation of an LLC requires an operational agreement and a filing of articles of organization with the state. Similar to partnerships, owners of an LLC control and manage the company. The company files an information tax return which reports each owner?s share of the profits, but does not pay taxes directly. The owners report and pay tax on their personal returns based on their ownership share and the profits reported.A primary difference between a partnership and an LLC is that LLC?s can provide limited liability protection for the owners. This helps to insulate the owners from the debts and liabilities of the company. It is becoming a very popular alternative, as it is relatively easy to set up, usually has lower set-up costs than a corporation and avoids issues around dividends and the double taxation of profits that can occur in corporations.LLC?s are governed by the states in which they are formed and this means that the regulations around setting them up may vary from state to state.CorporationCorporations are legal entities that are created by filing articles of incorporation with the state. Corporations provide protection from liability for the owners and do not have any restrictions on who can own shares or the number of shareholders you can have. This is usually the best bet when you have a large number of investors or for a business considering going public somewhere down the road.There is a lot of confusion around the question of Sub-S corporations vs. C corporations. They are actually the same type of entity ? the difference is in the way they are taxed. All corporations are C-corporations unless you file and receive approval from the IRS to be treated as a Sub-S for tax purposes. This is called electing Sub-S status. There are limitations on the number and type of owners you can have for Sub-S status, so not all corporations are eligible to file taxes on a Sub-S basis.It is possible to switch from C corporation tax status to S-corporation tax status or vice versa, but there are time limitations about when you can and can?t do so. A C corporation is a tax entity in and of itself, so it files a tax return and the corporation is taxed based on business profits. An S-Corp is similar to a partnership or LLC in that it files an information return (Form 1120S) and then the taxable income flows directly to the shareholder owners in proportion to their ownership.In a C-corporation, an effective ?double-taxation? can occur when the corporation pays dividends to owners out of profits which have already been taxed and then the shareholder owners pay tax on the dividend income reported to them.Which Type is Best? There is no right answer to that. This article summarizes key differences based on taxation and liability limitations, but there are many factors including your type of business, whether you are seeking funding, how many owners are anticipated, etc., that need to go into your decision. You can consult with an attorney and tax advisor to make the decision or use a specialty online service to get more information if you wish to do it yourself.Ultimately the form of business ownership selected comes down to the owners? level of concern over management control, liability exposure, tax issues and business transfer issues. Because of the tax and legal implications involved, it is important to do the necessary due diligence before selecting an ownership form.


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Saturday, September 29, 2012

Chelsea rides Torres past Arsenal

Man of the Match: It wasn?t quite his old self, but ?Fernando Torres flashed a little bit of his peak Liverpool form with a creative finish around Laurent Koscielny in the 20th minute, giving Chelsea the lead. But despite the goal and some good play with the ball at his feet, Torres?s main contributions came when Chelsea wasn?t in possession, the Blues? striker proving a pest tracking back to disrupt Arsenal, particularly when the Gunners were hogging the ball in the second half.

NBC Sports: Chelsea wins 2-1 at Arsenal to stay top of EPL

Packaged for takeaway:

  • The teams matched up in near-identical formations: lone strikers up top; four at the back; two deep midfielders. With Ramires and John Obi Mikel set to sit deep in Chelsea?s midfield, Arsenal wasn?t going to enjoy the same advantages they did against Manchester City.
  • Of note, given this was Chelsea?s first big Premier League match of the year: Frank Lampard was on the bench (though he did start against Juventus in Champions League).
  • One of Arsenal?s advantages against City was in possession, but on Saturday, it was Chelsea who controlled most of the play early. The Gunners would even the numbers by half, but over the first 45 minutes, this wasn?t your typical Arsenal match. Ars?ne Wenger?s side wasn?t able to dominate the ball.
  • The home side was dealt a blow early with Abou Diaby had to come off, the midfielder straining his left hip after a 12th minute shot on goal. Wenger brought on?Alex Oxlade Chamberlain, pushing Aaron Ramsey to the middle.
  • It?s the story of Diaby?s career: injuries. The frequency with which he?s hurt in matches has to be a tactical concern. Even if Diaby?s healthy, you can?t start him if you don?t have a substitute to spare.
  • Chelsea broke through fist, with Torres wrapping his right leg around Laurent Koscielny to redirect a Juan Mata restart past Vito Mannone at the left (far) post. For those hoping Torres can somebody (after all this time) find his old self, it was a very encouraging goal, one set up after a touch from the Chelsea striker helped draw the original foul, Thomas Vermaelen caught diving in for a ball perfectly laid off for Eden Hazard.
  • Even after the goal, it took Arsenal some time to get going. Ramsey was slowing down play through the middle, getting caught on the ball, while Oxlade Chamberlain still hadn?t found a rhythm. It was only after the Gunners started pestering Oscar, himself caught on the ball multiple times near the end of the half, that Arsenal came into the game.
  • That was also the same time that Santi Cazorla started popping up everywhere. After being relatively quiet for the first third of the match, Cazorla started coming a little deeper for the ball, making some runs to the right that he wasn?t making before ? generally trying to get more involved.
  • Near the 40th minute, Cazorla?s work helped create a chance down the right, the Spaniard putting a shot out of play off a pass from Carl Jenkinson. Although nothing came from it, the movement exposed two things about Chelsea?s defense that would come into play a few minutes later. First, Ashley Cole was playing very narrow on the left, giving Jenkinson or Oxlade Chamberlain all the room they wanted down the attack?s right. Second, Chelsea?s line was collapsing far too deep ? right to the edge of Petr Cech?s six-yard box.
  • In the 43rd minute, those factors conspired to give Arsenal their equalizer. Jenkinson played a ball wide to Chamberlain, whose cross found Gervinho open near the spot, set up in front of the defense but behind the midfield two. The Ivorian was able to trap, turn and fire the equalizer past Cech.
  • The second half opened with Arsenal in firm control, something that worked against them when a 52nd minute Mikel Arteta giveaway allowed Chelsea to catch the Gunners on the counter. A fifty-fifty ball won by Ramires forced Vermaelen to take down Torres 35 yards for goal, a textbook professional foul (for which he saw yellow).
  • Mata put the ensuing restart at the far post, Mannone frozen when a ball grazed off Koscielny?s left shin and in.
  • From there, Chelsea showed what?s becoming a trademark pragmatism under Roberto Di Matteo. They didn?t threaten Mannone again, but they didn?t need to. Staunchly maintaining their shape while getting good work from Ramires and Torres, Chelsea made their good fortune hold up.
  • In doing so, they also created a match that played to Arsenal?s reputation. No doubt Gooners will insist they outplayed Chelsea, a debatable assertion. Even if you grant it, Saturday?s game adds to a long list of Arsenal results that betray their on-field play. It?s still unclear when they will award trophies for finishing with the most style points.
  • They do award trophies for finishing first, which is where Chelsea stay with three points at the Emirates. The result also alleviated the biggest qualm about Chelsea?s start: A weak schedule. Their first big win of the season may have announced the Blues as title contenders.


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Scientists bring the heat to refine renewable biofuel production

Friday, September 28, 2012

Perhaps inspired by Arizona's blazing summers, Arizona State University scientists have developed a new method that relies on heat to improve the yield and lower the costs of high-energy biofuels production, making renewable energy production more of an everyday reality.

ASU has been at the forefront of algal research for renewable energy production. Since 2007, with support from federal, state and industry funding, ASU has spearheaded several projects that utilize photosynthetic microbes, called cyanobacteria, as a potential new source of renewable, carbon-neutral fuels. Efforts have focused on developing cyanobacteria as a feedstock for biodiesel production, as well as benchtop and large-scale photobioreactors to optimize growth and production.

ASU Biodesign Institute researcher Roy Curtiss, a microbiologist who uses genetic engineering of bacteria to develop new vaccines, has adapted a similar approach to make better biofuel-producing cyanobacteria.

"We keep trying to reach ever deeper into our genetic bag of tricks and optimize bacterial metabolic engineering to develop an economically viable, truly green route for biofuel production," said Roy Curtiss, director of the Biodesign Institute's Centers for Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology and Microbial Genetic Engineering as well as professor in the School of Life Sciences.

Cyanobacteria are like plants, dependent upon renewable ingredients including sunlight, carbon dioxide and water that, through genetic engineering, can be altered to favor biodiesel production. Cyanobacteria offer attractive advantages over the use of plants like corn or switchgrass, producing many times the energy yield with energy input from the sun and without the necessity of taking arable cropland out of production.

Colleague Xinyao Liu and Curtiss have spent the last few years modifying these microbes. Their goal is to bypass costly processing steps (such as cell disruption, filtration) for optimal cyanobacterial biofuel production.

"We wanted to develop strains of cyanobacteria that basically can process themselves," said Curtiss. "A couple of years ago, we developed a Green Recovery process that is triggered by removing carbon dioxide to control the synthesis of enzymes, called lipases, that degrade the cell membranes and release the microbes' precious cargo of free fatty acids that can be converted to biofuels,"

However, when growth of cyanobacteria is scaled up to meet industrial needs, they become dense, and the self-shading that occurs in concentrated cultures, does not let in enough light to produce enough of the lipases to efficiently drive the process. Thus the original Green Recovery was light dependent and maximally efficient at sub-optimal culture densities.

Curtiss' team looked again at nature to improve their Green Recovery method. The process uses enzymes found in nature called thermostable lipases synthesized by thermophilic organisms that grow at high temperatures such as in hot springs. These thermostable lipases break down fats and membrane lipids into the fatty acid biodiesel precursors, but only at high temperatures. The team's new process, called thermorecovery, uses a heat-triggered, self-destruct system. By taking a culture and shifting to a high temperature, the lipases are called into action. This process occurs with concentrated cultures in the dark under conditions that would be very favorable for an industrial process.

They tested a total of 7 different lipases from microbes that thrive in hot springs under very high temperatures, a scorching 60-70 C (158F). The research team swapped each lipase gene into a cyanobacteria strain that grows normally at 30 C (86 F) and tested the new strains.

They found the Fnl lipase from Feridobacterium nodosum, an extremophile found in the hot springs of New Zealand, released the most fatty acids. The highest yield occurred when the carbon dioxide was removed from the cells for one day (to turn on the genes making the lipases), then treated at 46C (114F) for two days (for maximum lipase activity).

The yield was 15 percent higher than the Green Recovery method, and because there were less reagents used, time (one day for thermorecovery vs. one week for Green Recovery) and space for the recovery. Thermorecovery resulted in an estimated 80% cost savings.

Furthermore, in a continuous semi-batch production experiment, the team showed that daily harvested cultures released could release a high level of fatty acid and the productivity could last for at least 20 days. Finally, the water critical to growing the cultures could be recycled to maintain the growth of the original culture.

"Our latest results are encouraging and we are confident of making further improvements to achieve enhanced productivity in strains currently under construction and development," said Curtiss. "In addition, optimizing growth conditions associated with scale-up will also improve productivity."


The results appear in the online version of the Journal of Biotechnology:

Arizona State University:

Thanks to Arizona State University for this article.

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Conn. man kills masked teen, learns it's his son

(AP) ? During what appeared to be an attempted late-night burglary, a man fatally shot a masked teenager in self-defense outside his neighbor's house and then discovered it was his son, state police said.

Police said 15-year-old Tyler Giuliano was shot at about 1 a.m. Thursday in New Fairfield, a town along the New York line just north of Danbury.

A woman who was alone in the house believed someone was breaking in and called the teen's father, who lives next door, and he grabbed a gun and went outside to investigate, police said.

The father confronted someone wearing a black ski mask and black clothing and then fired his gun when the person went at him with a shiny weapon in his hand, police said.

When police officers arrived, the teen was lying in the driveway of the woman's home with gunshot wounds and the father was sitting on the grass. The teen was pronounced dead at the scene, police said.

"All in all it's a tragedy," state police spokesman Lt. J. Paul Vance said.

The teen's father, Jeffrey Giuliano, a fifth-grade teacher in town, hasn't returned a message seeking comment on what happened.

The teenager was a student at New Fairfield High School, a short walk from the neighborhood where he was killed.

Superintendent of Schools Alicia Roy sent parents an email about what happened, The News-Times of Danbury reported.

"Our district has experienced a tragedy that has affected us deeply," she wrote, adding that students weren't told of the killing because all the facts weren't clear.

No charges have been filed. State police are investigating. An autopsy on the boy is planned.

Associated Press


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Friday, September 28, 2012

AnnaLynne McCord Admits to Sexual Assault, Hopes to Help


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How to Increase the Battery Life of your Wireless Mouse

Here are some tips and tweaks that will help extend the battery life of your wireless mouse and keyboard.


wireless mouse

Turn off your wireless mouse and keyboard manually to improve battery life

There?s a little on/off switch on the bottom of your wireless mouse that you can use to manually turn off the mice when its not in use.?This may slightly extend the battery life of your mouse in case you aren?t having one of the newer mice models that automatically switch off when left idle for a long period.

The problem is how do you remember that you have to turn off the wireless mouse (and the keyboard) when you are done for the day?

One option would be that you you use the built-in Windows Task Scheduler or the Group Policy Editor to display a reminder message on the screen every time you log off or shut down the computer. This is both geeky and requires too many steps.

Then there?s a simpler option as well. You can change the default ?System Shutdown? and ?System Logoff? sounds to a voice message that reminds you to turn off the mice before you are leave the computer. Here?s a sample sound (.wav file) created with Listen.

Open the Control Panel in Windows and search for Change System Sounds. Choose the ?Exit Windows? event and browse for your .wav file to set it as the default sound for the event. Do the same for ?Windows Logoff? event and you?ll never forget to turn off your wireless mouse and keyboard again.

Windows System Sounds

Speaking of battery life, here are some additional tips courtesy Logitech?that may further push the battery life of your wireless mouse.

  1. Get a light-colored mouse pad. While your mice may work well on your black granite table or even transparent surfaces like glass, they are best avoided as?they cause the tracking sensor in the mouse to use more power.
  2. Your wireless mouse ships with a nano receiver that is put into the USB port of your computer. Make sure the USB receiver and the mice are close to each other else use an?USB extension cable for the receiver.
  3. For best results, replace both batteries at the same time and avoid mixing brands.?Logitech suggests using alkaline batteries as non-alkaline batteries, such as NiMH or NiCd, operate at a lower voltage and may negatively impact the battery life of your mouse.
  4. Turn off the mouse manually when you are travelling. While the mice may go to sleep /standby mode when not being used, they?ll wake up when they move around inside your bag and this consumes battery power.

Related tip: Share One Mouse with Two Computers


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KPMG San Diego Recognized For Exemplary Workplace Practices ...

SAN DIEGO, Sept. 27, 2012 /PRNewswire/ --?The San Diego office of KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm, has been honored with the 2012 Alfred P. Sloan Award for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility for its use of flexibility as an effective workplace strategy to increase business and employee success.

This prestigious award, part of the national When Work Works project administered by the Families and Work Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management, recognizes employers of all sizes and types in San Diego and across the country.

"Earning the Sloan Award for the San Diego office for the first time validates that our employees recognize and appreciate KPMG's commitment to being an employer of choice," said KPMG Managing Partner Dave Down. ?"KPMG is a leader in workplace flexibility and we're gratified to receive the Sloan Award in recognition of our efforts.? We believe workplace flexibility is good for business and good for our employees."

For example, KPMG permits its employees to make alternative work arrangements such as a compressed work week or flexible workday schedules.? Also, KPMG's sabbatical program is well utilized and provides extended leaves to accommodate personal time while still allowing for advancement opportunities.

Workplace flexibility has been demonstrated to help businesses remain competitive while also benefiting employees.

"Our research consistently finds that employees in effective and flexible workplaces have greater engagement on the job and greater desire to stay with their organization. In addition, they report lower stress levels and better overall health," said Ellen Galinsky, president of Families and Work Institute.

The Sloan Awards are unique for their rigorous, two-step selection process, which involves an evaluation of employers' flexibility programs and practices, and a confidential employee survey. All applicants are measured against national norms from the National Study of Employers.

"As a recipient of the 2012 Sloan Award, KPMG San Diego ranks in the top 20 percent of employers nationally in terms of its programs, policies and culture for creating an effective and flexible workplace," Galinsky said. "In addition, what makes this honor so special is that their employees have corroborated this, affirming that it is indeed an effective and flexible workplace."

When Work Works is a national project to educate the business community on the value of workplace flexibility by sharing research and promising practices, and conducting the annual Sloan Awards. It is an ongoing initiative of the Families and Work Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management.

For more information about the When Work Works project and the Alfred P. Sloan Awards for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility, visit

KPMG LLP, the audit, tax and advisory firm (, is the U.S. member firm of KPMG International Cooperative ("KPMG International.") KPMG International's member firms have 145,000 people, including more than 8,000 partners, in 152 countries.

About When Work Works
When Work Works is a national initiative, led by the partnership of Families and Work Institute and the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM), to help businesses of all sizes and types become more successful by transforming the way they view and adopt effective and flexible workplaces. When Work Works is one of the foremost providers of resources, rigorous research and best practices on workplace effectiveness and flexibility in the nation. The initiative administers the prestigious Alfred P. Sloan Awards for Excellence in Workplace Effectiveness and Flexibility annually, which recognize exemplary employers for using flexibility as an effective workplace strategy to increase business and employee success. Visit
and follow us on Twitter @FWINews and @SHRMPress.

Contacts: Mike Alva, KPMG LLP

Kelly Sakai
Families and Work Institute
(212) 465-2044 x211



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Great Network Marketing Tips You Should Know About | Internet ...

Network marketing is a new and exciting field to some. For some people, it is simply how they pay their bills. With the right choices, network marketing can really pay off.

Restrict all in-person meetings with leads to 45 minutes or less. This helps the lead see that you are a successful business person.

It is important to become thoroughly educated about your product. Passion for your product can pass to your buyers. People will also be more willing to join your downline if they see how passionate you are about your products. If you learn a lot about a niche, you will be able to give truthful testimonials.

You must understand exactly how you will be compensated for your participation in a specific network marketing program. You should opt for a plan that gives you higher returns along with a residual income. Your first few sales will also be referred to your sponsor. This isn?t a bad thing as they?re helpful, and there?s leverage to be had here.

While many people mistakenly focus their efforts on the numbers of leads they get, successful marketers emphasize the importance of quality prospects. In order to earn a profit, you must have dedicated hard-working people in your network that are actively developing their own set of business contacts.

Make sure you have a good business plan that allows you the flexibility to make some mistakes. Create a list of things that need to get done within a certain period of time, then go through that list and see what is actually feasible. The business plan you have created for yourself will help to marry these two together and, hopefully, steer you towards a profitable business.

Learn from pros in your field. If you model your business after those that were successful before you, you will have a better chance because others have already created a path for you.

Keep the length of your meeting to an hour or less. By having a meeting that lasts longer then an hour, it gives the other person the impression that they will have to invest quite a bit of both energy and time into it.

Creating an Internet website is a good idea when it comes to network marketing, but establishing a presence on social networking websites can also be a great way to get started. A dynamic, well-written blog can also fill the bill. Maintaining a social networking presence, as well as your own website, would be very strategic options. The larger your cyber presence, the easier it will be to grow your network. Keep in mind that an active and well designed blog helps too.

If you find something different and new to offer, you might be surprised at how many people are interested in it. People are smart enough to choose what they need, but the choice has to be there to begin with.

If you want to steer Internet traffic towards your marketing sites, then use the concept of video marketing. Video is interesting to people, and you can include all the content you need for a lower cost than might think.

Make social networking part of your affiliate marketing plan. Form different groups to focus interests in certain product niches, and build customer relationships. Start a different social network page for every product that you sell.

A great tip for successful network marketing is to join online forums and participate. These forums are a great source of free advice and exposure. Do a quick search online, and scroll through until you find a forum you like. To find useful tips, read a few posts each day and ask any questions you have.

Staying open minded will really help you when it comes to network marketing. When you keep your mind open, you will be able to do business better.

When participating in network marketing, you should avoid taking any shortcuts because this could potentially cause fatal mistakes. It may seem easier to cut corners, although it will quickly become evident that success in this area is only achieved through hard work and perseverance. If the quality is there then the results will follow.

Whilst network marketing is important for any business, your core aim should always be customer satisfaction. You will surely fail if you don?t attend to your customers needs. Your goal should be to spend approximately 80 percent of the time listening and 20 percent of the time talking.

Spend a lot of time trying to find new customers. Really, when it comes to genuine ways to generate money, this one stands alone. All other activities, such as checking your email, interviewing, or taking opportunity calls, do not make you money. The two methods that net you profits are finding leads and closing leads.

Patience is required at first but you will see result grow exponentially when success does occur. Network marketing isn?t a get rich quick scheme. The first few months or weeks are vital to your business. Network marketing can help a slow start in business, pick up the speed and momentum needed for lasting success.

Using many types of social connections and media can help you market your products and ideas without hitting a snag. There are always going to be new businesses, people and ideas out there on the web trying to get their piece of the pie. The only way to profit and last is to work hard and constantly apply sound business practices like the ones outlined above.

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Here are some other Internet Marketing/SEO related sites that I would like to share with you.
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Nexus 7 comes to South Korea, causes price envy across the water

Google Nexus 7 comes to Korea

If Google-lovin' Koreans were a little jealous after seeing Eric Schmidt turn up in Japan with a Nexus 7-shaped gift under his arm, they needn't be. It looks like the Executive Chairman brought another one along with him on his Asian travels. It wasn't just the hardware that came along for the ride either, with The Next Web reporting that the firm also made movies available in the country's edition of Google Play. The Korean asking price will be a reported KRW 299,000 (about $267) for the 16GB edition, a smidgen less than its neighbor's (¥19,800 / $255). We suspect, though, not quite enough to warrant a ferry ride.

Update: As many of you have noted, the currency conversion actually favors the Japanese price. Updated to reflect that.

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Nexus 7 comes to South Korea, causes price envy across the water originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 11:17:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

Permalink The Next Web  |  sourceGoogle (Korea)  | Email this | Comments


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Thursday, September 27, 2012

From the lab: Lumia 920 image stabilization and 808 drop test at Nokia R&D (video)

From the lab Lumia 920 image stabilization and 808 drop test at Nokia R&D video

Yesterday's lab installment gave us an opportunity to pit the Lumia 920 against competing smartphones in a low-light capture scenario, but Nokia's standard battery of tests is used to evaluate and improve far more than stills shooting. Several stops throughout the day brought us to a foam-filled sound chamber tasked with analyzing call quality in a variety of environments, a room with industrial freezers and ovens used to push the limits of operability, and a rig that can shoot with interchangeable sensors and apply image quality algorithms in real-time, without a handset in sight. Unfortunately, due to proprietary technologies and processes, we weren't permitted to photograph these first facilities, though we did manage to snap away at two other stations -- a platform that shifted up and down at adjustable speeds to test the Lumia 920's optical image stabilization, and a machine that drops smartphones against a block of concrete, used to simulate that all-too-frequent occurrence of handsets plunging towards pavement.

We've seen plenty examples of the 920's OIS capabilities this week, so we won't go into much more detail on that front, but specialized (and pricey) equipment enables engineers to introduce consistent processes -- this machine simulated hand shake at different speeds, and even with exaggerated movement, the benefits were clear. A separate building contained the drop test contraption, which releases devices from an adjustable height, letting them land directly on a block of polished concrete. We tested both the 808 PureView and a Samsung Galaxy S III in this manner (with roughly 100 Lumia prototypes currently available, Nokia wasn't quite willing to risk sending one to its death). Both smartphones remained in perfect working order following the drop, so it's likely that they'll be able to handle a similar fall during regular use as well (company reps offered to test our iPhone 5, but we declined handing it over). That wraps up our week at Nokia's facilities in Finland -- there will be plenty more to explore once we have a Lumia sample in hand, but you'll find the OIS test and concrete plunge videos ready right now, posted just after the break.

Continue reading From the lab: Lumia 920 image stabilization and 808 drop test at Nokia R&D (video)

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From the lab: Lumia 920 image stabilization and 808 drop test at Nokia R&D (video) originally appeared on Engadget on Thu, 27 Sep 2012 17:27:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Select a Web Internet Hosting Business That ... - My Six Strings Blog

Relating to boosting your look motor rankings, net copywriting is easily the most beneficial way that requires diverse sorts. You can find a single well-known characteristic in all of these that may be the explanation why you favor to focus on subject material generation outside the house your site: They assist your link-building plan.

Varieties of Web site copywriting Exterior Your site

Perhaps you may generate a duplicate being revealed outdoors your web site in all sorts of sorts. Right here is mostly a record of various varieties of content material development in other web pages:

one. You publish and submit posts to other web pages. Like content material can be authored for editorial directories or even the online pages that invite authors to write down for them. In return, you?ll be permitted to submit several inbound links or so towards interior webpages of one?s blog. As coupled with your keywords and phrases, these types of backlink building approach could raise your look for motor rankings specifically in the event you undergo the authority web sites.

two. You be able to write and submit web log posts to other weblogs. Now visitor running a blog can be quite well-liked as well as the theory is coming into right into a partnership where by the two events choose gain. Their weblogs should be populated with large superior quality content material initially drafted for them. You?re going to get an viewers moreover some one-way links for your web log or website. All over again, it will enable your place up in research engines final result webpages to your key terms.

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Important and vital Stage in Backlink building

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U.S. Bancorp, PNC latest bank websites to face access issues

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Wednesday, September 26, 2012

How Smartphones Are Changing Health Care [INFOGRAPHIC]

Extreme smartphone use can certainly lead to strained eyes and stiff necks. That?s the bad news. The good news? The mobile device you just can?t live without can also help facilitate better health in new, more convenient ways than ever before.

How? The rise of mobile health apps and other tools. There are currently about 40,000 mobile health apps available for tablets and smartphones, and over 500 health projects worldwide that have a mobile emphasis.

That?s according to the online health care education portal, which pulled information from a variety of sources around the web to show just how much of a positive impact smartphones can have on our well-being.

In fact, if you use exercise apps such as Runkeeper, access health records electronically or participate in wellness gamification programs, you may already be experiencing mobile?s health benefits without even realizing it. One analysis indicates that the number of people who downloaded a mobile health app in 2012 will nearly double to 247 million from last year. What can those apps do? Diet, exercise, sleep and blood pressure are just a few of the many areas covered.

All that usage is leading to mainstream recognition, too. The United States Food and Drug Administration last year began paving the way for mobile apps that ensure health claims pass an approval process before becoming available to the consumer market.

For more on how smartphones and mobile technology are changing health care, check out the infographic below. Then in the comments, let us know: How has mobile technology helped your health?

Thumbnail image courtesy of iStockphoto, webphotographeer


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Jets scrambled after aircraft violate U.N. no-fly zone


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