Tuesday, July 9, 2013


So I enrolled in this site a couple of days ago, and I think it's really great, I like spending some time watching people on the chat, you guys are really funny.
I only started roleplaying this year, but I think it's really fun and good to improve my writing skills, the biggest problem I have is that English is not my mother language and sometimes I use expressions that are not used in english.
I'm a 18 year-old girl and I'm going to university later this year, and it will be my first time living alone, I hope I don't turn the place in a bio-hazard disaster, since I'm kinda messy.
I spend most of my time playing games like GW2, Dishonored, Kingdoms of Amalur, Assassin's Creed, pokemon and a lot of Monster Hunter. Also a lot of time reading (mostly fantasy novels like a Song of Ice and Fire or the Drizzt Saga) and I watch a lot of animes.

And thanks for reading the long introduction :)

Source: http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RolePlayGateway/~3/hI0kot0QJjE/viewtopic.php

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