Saturday, December 22, 2012

TheLiveBigWay* Digest - Flash Mobs and Family Trees |

TheLiveBigWay Digest?Posted on December 21st, 2012?

In this edition of the Digest, we talk about our family trees, the ?fiscal slope?, and share a few videos ranging from perhaps the most beautiful flash mob ever to a quick Cliff Notes of Obamacare.

Climbing the Family Tree
At Yeske Buie, we recently went through the exercise of fleshing out our own family trees and had the experience of remembering family members, the lessons we learned, and being reminded of all of our connections, past and present. ?We recently sent our clients a booklet that contained those family trees, along with a few blank ones for their own families to complete.

We offer up the example of Dave?s and Elissa?s family trees, along with a blank one that you can print out and complete for yourself during the holidays.

Slippery slope: budget negotiations, the markets, and you
We?re sure that you?re sick and tired of hearing about the fiscal cliff at this point, and we don?t blame you. ?The looming tax increases and spending cuts have spawned no end of ?cliffhangers? and ?Cliff Notes? describing the impending doomsday if Congress and the White House can?t agree to an alternative.

We think the more accurate description in all of this has been the recharacterization of the fiscal cliff as a fiscal slope.

Perhaps the most beautiful flash mob ever . . .
Our good friend Ed Jacobson, PhD, author of Appreciative Moments, just sent us a video that we thought you?d appreciate. ?Ed asks, ?Can you invest 5 minutes 41 seconds for an antidote to news of tragedy and fiscal cliffs?? ?Elissa, meanwhile, called it ?perhaps the most beautiful flash mob ever? . . .


Cliffs Notes version of Obamacare
Since we?re spending so much time talking about ?cliffs?, we thought we?d introduce you to our friend Carolyn McClanahan, MD/CFP, physician and financial planner. Carolyn, who writes for Forbes, has made herself an expert on all aspects of the Affordable Care Act and shares her ?Cliffs Notes? version in this video.

Well worth 14 minutes of your time!

CFP Board Ad: ?Let?s Make a Plan?
The CFP Board of Standards, the body that authorizes financial planners to use the Certified Financial PlannerTM and CFP? marks, offers an edgy little TV ad that makes the case for choosing a CFP? professional.

?Your finances can?t manage themselves, but that won?t keep them from trying.?

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Happy Holidays!

-The YeBu Team



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