Saturday, December 22, 2012

Bad Music at a Party Equals?a Lawsuit? | SOL

If you?ve ever hosted a party, you probably spent a lot of time planning it. A good party host will put serious effort into picking out food, decorations, drinks, and, obviously, music. Of course, parties don?t always go as anticipated. Things can go wrong - perhaps you burned your main course, or your friend spilled a drink all over your cute table cloth. Or, maybe an acquaintance decided to take over as DJ and play terrible music.

That?s basically what happened to Mr. Michael Albanese, who hosted a party at a night club. Albanese claims that his party was ruined when the DJ decided to play ?hip-hop, techno and rap? music instead of disco music, as he requested. But instead of responding reasonably (perhaps by complaining or refusing to go back to the club that hosted his party), Albanese decided to sue the club owner.

Sure, no one likes it when parties don?t go as planned. But suing over bad music? That seems a bit outrageous if you ask us. It?s lawsuits like this one that clog up our courts and hurt our economy!?


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