Thursday, May 24, 2012

This is Why You Can't Take Trail Access for Granted | Mountain Bike ...

Meet some of the groups that want to ban mountain biking

Think protecting trail access is someone else?s problem?

Take a look at some of the articles I?ve read this week from recreation opponents:

  • The National Parks Traveler website erroneously asserted that an IMBA-led trail project at Big Bend National Park (TX) will be built in an inappropriate piece of backcountry Wilderness. In fact, the trail is adjacent to the visitors center. Nor did IMBA pay to play by funding the environmental analysis, as the Traveler stated.
  • The Public Employees for Environmental Responsibility (PEER) stirred-up visitors to Texas? Big Bend National Park by describing a multiuse trail that may soon open to bikes as a ?Thrill-Sport Venue?.

Mountain biking has powerful opponents that want you banned from all trails, right now. It takes significant funding to pay the professional teams IMBA employs to prevent them from winning.

This is why I need you to donate to the Trail Access Fund today.

The fact is, IMBA is helping parks nationwide be more relevant to today?s recreating public. Some 44 national parks are succesfully managing mountain biking on mulituse trails that everyone can enjoy.

We know mountain biking gets Americans active ? reducing obesity, stress and health care costs ? and that trails make our nation more livable.

And it?s not just trails in iconic parks that benefit ? your favorite local rides are protected by IMBA?s work at the local, state and federal level.

Click here to see just some of the vital access issues that your $10, $35 or even $250 will be put to work.

As a thank you, I?ll send you a free gift ? like our limited-edition Long Live Long Rides socks or a 2012 IMBA jersey.

We must show elected officials that outdoor recreation is a solution to many of the problems that plague our nation.

If our kids don?t learn to appreciate the outdoors, will future generations care if our wonderful natural landscapes are gobbled-up by development?

And what will happen to the local businesses and communities that rely on visits from riders like you?

Please send what you can ? $35, $50, $250 even your $10 donation helps save a trail.

Thank you in advance for protecting the places we all play.

Give today, choose your free thank you gift and you?ll also earn a 20% discount off anything at the IMBA store. And please spread the word to your riding buddies too.

Source: Jenn Dice,?IMBA Government Affairs Director

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