Friday, February 8, 2013

Ski Season Picking Up: Flocks of Skiers and Snowboarders Migrate ...

As snow stacked up at Colorado ski resorts recently, skiers and snowboarders renewed their devotion to the state?s signature sports. Absolving doubts that variable conditions were keeping skiers involved in other pursuits, Colorado Ski Country USA resorts were greeted with booming weekend traffic. The onslaught of new snow along with the opening of more terrain and a broad menu of creative deals from resorts made it hard for skiers and riders to stay indoors last week.

Crested Butte_Alex Fenlon

Crested Butte_Alex Fenlon

Several Colorado Ski Country USA (CSCUSA) member resorts are reporting that weekend visits exceeded expectations. CSCUSA?s President and CEO, Melanie Mills, weighed in: ?This past weekend was a non-holiday weekend and the Super Bowl, so we were really pleased with the large enthusiastic crowds. Colorado delivered powder galore and idyllic conditions the way only Colorado can.? Resorts across the state saw strong visitation during the weekend.

Steamboat_Larry Pierce

Steamboat_Larry Pierce

Part of the weekend revelry in ski country could be attributed to recent snowfall. Blankets of snow covered resorts throughout Colorado last week with as much as 6 feet reported in some areas. Every resort received fresh snow, many in the double digit amount category. The new snow enabled several resorts to open 100 percent of their terrain.

Winter Park_Brad Torchia

Winter Park_Brad Torchia

While skiers tend to be one of the more dedicated sectors of the leisure travel market, off-hill activity was also robust last weekend. Resorts reported busy restaurants, shops and alternative activities.

As new snow continues to fall resorts will open more terrain. To see up to date terrain opening and snowfall information, as well as events and deals, visit our homepage at




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