Sunday, June 2, 2013

Popgadget Personal Technology for Women: You Have Only ...


As we just saw in the disaster in Oklamha, survival comes down to seconds. Having an emergency warning weather alert can make the difference from having time to find shelter when a tornado comes ripping through your area, or taking your chances with 200 MPH winds. Tornado experts estimate that a monster tornado can destroy a single-family house in just 4 seconds.

That's why we pack an Et?n ZoneGuard weather alert radio with a combined AM/FM clock radio, NOAA weather alerts, S.A.M.E. technology and - for the first time - visual light alerts to create ZoneGuard.

The S.A.M.E. system is critical since it enables users to enter their county code for local pending weather advisories, watches and warnings. Flashing LED lights - red for warnings, orange for watches and green for advisories - plus a loud audio alert will sound.There is no sleeping through this alarm system, take our word for it.

So you've been warned that a twister is bearing down: what do you do?

1) Get moving. At the first warning of a tornado in your area, or if you spot circular cloud rotation or hear a sound like a freight train, snap into action. Every second counts. Consider annual tornado drills for your family.

2) If at home, get to a safe area. Preferably, in the basement, away from windows. Get under a sturdy table or staircase, and cover up with blankets, sleeping bags, a mattress or anything that offers protection from flying debris. If you can't get to the basement (or don't have one), go to a small room ? a closet, bathroom or hallway ? near the center of the lowest floor and stay there. Crouch down and cover up.

3) If outside, get low and stay there. If you see a sturdy building nearby, head into the basement. Barring that, find a ditch or low-lying area and lie in it, face down. If there's no low-lying area nearby, get away from trees, lie flat on the ground with your face down and protect the back of your head with your arms. Whatever you do, get away from your car, since it may become a wind-hurled projectile.

And it's a myth that hiding in your car in an underpass will help --- the opposite is true since the underpass acts as a wind tunnel and speeds UP the twister.

For $39 the ZoneGuard is money well spent, Dorothy.


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