Saturday, April 7, 2012

Interest Check for a RPG PODCAST

Hey hey all. It's Hitori, coming to you with an idea that Naft and I have been throwing back and forth.

As you can see from the topic, I/we plan on creating a podcast. Dunno if it's been done/tried before, but I figured I'd throw the idea out there. Right now, it's still in a baby stage, where we're figuring things out. But, I thought I'd post to gauge interest for listening/ guest starring if we DID do it. Because it'd be less fun if no one heard us talk about important stuff, right?

Plans: Right now, again, it's in a basic stage, but the idea is to have some introductions, maybe a current event/fun topic, and then we'll have some kind question or topic regarding RPing. If enough interest is shown, we'll be sure to formulate an actual timeline.

Anyway, yeah. Anyone who might be interested in listening or appearing on it, drop a line here.

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