Thursday, February 23, 2012

Choosing The Best Body Acne Treatment For You | Health and Fitness

Body acne problems can be unique from individual to individual ? meaning if the type and seriousness of acne is different per individual, the cure or treatment also will be different for every person since each has a different skin type and different reaction to certain products and treatments.

This is why specialists say that there?s no single most efficient acne solution. It is really a fusion of diet, cleanliness and finding the best anti-acne product.

Best Accepted practises in Maintaining Acne-Free Skin

Cleanliness ? Dust and pollution are two major contributors to body acne build-up. Ensure that you bathe regularly using antiseptic soaps or body wash to prevent mud and bacteria from blocking your pores.

Diet ? This has been studied to have an indirect effect on body acne build-up. Avoid greasy and oily food to stop unwanted oil in your system.

Physical fitness ? You must exercise constantly because being physically fit helps your body function better on all levels.

Factors to Consider When Trying to find an Acne Solution

Health risks ? As discussed above, a consultation with a health expert is a must before trying any product or undergoing any acne solution to avoid doing hurt to your general health.

Effectiveness of product or treatment ? While the efficacy of one product or treatment is variable from one person to another, it might still be useful if you research which kind has already been medically proved to reduce body acne.

Value of product or treatment ? Acne products and treatments vary seriously in cost. Consider your acquisition of a product as an investment that you would not want to be a waste of money. Remember that costly does not always mean effective.

Products to Look Out for When On the lookout for Medicines for Body Acne

Products developed especially to treat body acne come in many kinds. They range from conventional and herbal medicines to modern and clinical types. Some types are topical and are supposed to be applied immediately on the concerned area of the skin, while there are kinds that are prescribed to be taken orally. Common topical ingredients include tea tree oil, salicylic acid, benzoyl peroxide, and even sulfur.

What we do know is that of late, school studies have been proving the benefits and efficacy of topical Niacinamide, which is a vitamin B3 derivative. Body acne creams with this vital ingredient have been proved to be terribly effective at treating acne. They work quick and are really safe to take as they don?t have any side effects and can be used in conjunction with prescription medications. Acnessential is a 4% Niacinamide cream which is becoming all the rage. It has got a relaxing effect on skin, although it rids the body of acne.

Kenneth Green is a former publisher of On his website he offers a FREE 70 page Body Remedies For Acne electronic book. If you are needing to Clear Acne.


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